Saturday, November 24, 2012

Desfile de la Revolucion Mexicana 2012 - Photo Contribution

On November 20th of every year we celebrate Mexican Revolution in the entire country, every academic institution participates in a desfile (parade), we honor a revolutionary ideal that poor men and women deserved land, water and freedom.
   The Mexican Revolution was a very complex process, and it never really ended; a lot of positive things came from it, but some of it's most dignified leaders ended up homeless living under the revolutionary statues and sculptures in the big city parks.

   If you visit the office of our Ejido you will see a large picture of Emiliano Zapata, he is one of the iconic leaders of the Revolucion to say the least. Thanks to him the creation of the La Manzanilla Ejido was possible, for some revolution leaders taking down the Dictator of the time Pofirio Diaz was enough, but for Zapata a land reform was crucial and paved the way for the elimination of the Hacienda systems and the exploitation of the workers, who basiclly lived in the conditions of slavery and extreme poverty.

   Here are some pictures taken by some local residents them selves, hopefully they can help you imagine the scene back around 1910, we have some pretty serious characters...

Francisco I. Madero was the first real candidate to challenge Porfirio Diaz's dictatorship in a formal election, he was extradited to the USA and from there conducted the armed rebellion with the support of General Pascual Orozco and revolution celebrity Pancho Villa. 
He is against consecutive reelection. 

In the parade we can't miss the rich upper class of the time, Dictator President Porfirio Diaz was really in to French culture and French ideals, during his regime he built amazing European like buildings, libraries, sculptures, parks, he supported scientific research, national history and  popular art. Of course all of this thanks to his wife Carmen who came from one of the richest Mexican families, she taught the uneducated Oaxacan General to speak English, French and all about high society. 

Here we have the popular Machete dance, most of the soldiers who fought during La Revolucion were common farmers and country folk. In 1910 less than 1% of Mexican families owned about 85% of the entire farmable land. Small town with small portions of land made about 50 of the population and depended almost entirely on the Haciendas, these Haciendas were also the only ones entitled to receive new irrigation technologies, government credits, etc, etc... 

Here we have Daira a typical Adelita! That is what they called the women who accompanied the men during La Revolucion, they set the camps, feed the army, carried their babies on their back with their rebosos, walked beside the men who rode horses and some of them were trained soldiers and were even promoted to Generals. 

Here we have the Adelitas consorting with the Soldados, there was a lot of drinking going on on the southern side of the revolution, not in he north because Pancho Villa would not allow it!  Famous songs called corridos were used to describe epic battles and their heroes or victims, it was how people kept informed on what was happening back then... 

After Francisco I. Madero and his allies made it to the Presidential Chair it was not long before another rogue General and his troops infiltrated to the capital and had him executed, his name was Victoriano Huerta. Zapata and Villa decided to meet and together decide what to do with this new usurper. 

Pancho Villa and his Northern Division came to join forces with the southern army of E. Zapata, together they we set to overthrow yet another character who came after the Presidential chair, it was Venustiano Carranaz who once fought with them had now lead an army of his own in to the capital and proclaimed himself President of Mexico. We now have those iconic pictures of the two very different leaders meeting and consorting. 

Students all around Mexico show their athletic abilities during the parade.

Some of the local High school kids have to go as far as Cihuatlan to participate in the
 parade since it is an obligational attendance nation wide.

   There has not been such a revolutionary climate since 1968 amongst the Mexican youth and working class as there is now in 2012, university students have revived Zapatas ideals. Once again the concentrated power amongst a very few is overwhelmingly baring on the majority of people. Giant historic mobilizations of protesters are purposefully not broadcasted by the only two existing T.V. networks and the "drug war" has now affected and touched almost every body's life directly or indirectly. New civil organizations like the #YoSoy132 movement arise in the need to communicate truth, dignify and unite the country. Ironiclly enough what came out of the Mexican Revolution is the Partido Revolucionario Institucional or P.R.I..

Zapata Vive, la Lucha Sigue!!

Special Thanks to:

Liliana Castillo Martinez, 
Aby Ramos,
Violeta Figueroa Michel,
Xochitl Soto,
Irlanda Rutherford
 Daniel Figueroa Michel.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Support your Local Economy - Temporada Turistica 2012 - 2013

   The much anticipated tourist season has begun in La Manzanilla, little by little you will see the small streets fill with car traffic, the beach with pale bodies and the taco stand will now be packed by 6 pm!

   By this time of year most businesses are busy setting up, getting ready, giving their place a fresh look  to welcome the winter vacationist and part time residents who return curious to explore and experiment La Manzanilla time and time again, or the first timer, who will for sure be experiencing a more modern version of town, a new crazy bright color on the Jardin benches, new eating establishments, new galleries, new babies...!

   Here is a small list of some of the businesses and entrepreneurs that are ready to give you their best services and products during you stay in our town...

"Abarrotes Costalinda" is fully stocked to help you with your Thanksgiving shopping! 
They sell everything and anything you might need, from fresh produce to dippers and make-up.

Store owner Rocio "Chio" is always there to greet you with a smile :) 

"To travel with comfort and security your best option is Eloy Soto Contreras"! 

There are new arrivals at "Ada's Bazar", like these cool masks 
from San Miguel de Allende and hand made jewelry.

Hand painted watercolor lamps done by Guadalajara artist Angela Lopez. 

Ada will help you find the perfect souvenir or home decor item,
 she is located right across from the Taco stand on the main street.

Behold "Cafe Del Mar"!  Soft Opening Friday November 23rd 7:30 pm!! 

Young new Chef Hector Castillo will be debuting his new project "Cafe del Mar" 
after graduating from cooking school in Manzanillo he returns to his town La Manzanilla 
to compete in the local food and drink industry. At night he will be serving 
"tapas y botanas", wings, salads, etc, before introducing a full menu in December. 

The Bar will be serving a wide variety of drinks 
like Cappuccinos, Lattes, Tea, Italian Sodas, 
Molecular Drinks and more!

This is a type of organic fertilizer that contains worm poop, the worms have been feeding off goat manure, water and other composting materials, in this rich mixture is called humus.
The liquid form is a concentrated version of this. 

Liquid Humus has an impressive list of benefits and unique qualities: 
  • it helps retain moisture in the soil longer
  •  it allows fungi and bacteria to thrive and fight off diseases for the plant
  • increments the production of chlorophyll in the plant
  • balances pH in acid soils 
  • increments crop productivity 
  • as well as purifying the soil from foreign chemicals, and many more positive attributes

Alejandro "El Aguila" is selling Liquid Humus $10 pesos per Lt. 
his cel phone number is :315 108 7172  

   As you can see there is always something new every year, the townspeople have to push themselves and reinvent themselves to try and make the most of the tourist season economically in order to survive the slow summer.  So we encourage you to shop local! 

Special Thanks to:
Ada's Bazar,
Abarrotes Costalinda,
Cafe del Mar and
Eloy Soto Contreras.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dia de Muertos en La Manzanilla 2012

   Today is the day when the dead are allowed back in to the world of the living to enjoy some of their favorite pleasures from their past life and can be reunited with their loved ones who invoke them. This is a millinery tradition that spreads across Mexico, having it's origins in the celebration of the ancient Goddess Mictecacihuatl "Lady of the Dead", now known as La Catrina.
  How do people in La Manzanilla celebrate and pay homage to their dead? For one the yearly ritual starts a few weeks before the big day, every family is busy with the construction of Coronas handmade out of plastic or paper flowers, these serve as decoration for the graves.
   Another way you know Dia de Muertos is coming soon is because El Panadero starts offering Pan de Muerto for sale, this a traditional artisan bread that is usually shared with the lost ones by placing it on their altars, graves and breaking bread with the rest of the family.

   All day today you will see crowds of people walking out to the Cementerio to place their Coronas and clean the graves of their loved ones. For some the celebrations and activities start on the first of November, that day is reserved for Las almas inocentes which means this is when we mourn children and those who were very young when they passed.

   This year more than other we can observe various activities in town all allusive to Dia de Muertos, more than a few years a go, it makes us all so very happy that despite the rapid change of our surrounding cultural environment we can rescue our ancient practices and adapt them to make them our own and regain our own cultural  identity as well as never forgetting the identity of those who have left this world before us...

Students of the third grade pose after their performance in La Quema del Mal Humor. This is a symbolic practice of burning bad humor and negative energy away, usually performed  during carnival in other parts of the country. 

In this image we can see a couple of Coronas and flowers placed on the graves early.

Every family uses their creativity to decorate their loved ones resting place.

Socorro dressed as La Catrina, behind her one of the many altars mounted 
by the students of Miguel Hidalgo High school in el Jardin last night. 

As motivation for the students the High school conducts a contest and the altar that is most creative but manages to incorporate all the symbolic offerings gets a price. Some on the elements the judges look for are 7 levels that represent the ascent to heaven, salt crosses to purify the body, an arch for the soul to enter this plane, the colors orange and purple that represent death and life, etc... 

Pedro "Piedritas" resting in his chair like he used to all the time drinking a Coca cola. RIP. 

Our beautiful angel Marianita, here her friends from school 
put together a slide show presentation of some of her happy moments. RIP. 

The night ended with dancing, drinking and celebrating the dead. Just the way they would of liked to celebrate if they were still here with us. 

   If you missed all of this, don't worry it's not too late! Tonight there will be live music in el Jardin, a Reggae music band from Monterrey is playing "Viento Roots"!!! So go join in la fiesta de los muertos...


(in loving memory of Vicky) 

Special Thanks to:

Sophia Rutherford,
Irlanda Rutherford,
Eloy Soto Contreras,
Preparatoria Regional de 
Cihuatlan Modulo M. Hidalgo.