Sunday, March 4, 2012

La Primera Primavera!

   The month of March is here and any given day now you may be turning a corner of a street or driving down the carretera when you will suddenly catch a glimpse of the most vibrant yellows nature has to offer, that is the color of a Primavera tree in bloom. 

   This tree is a natural indicator that winter is almost over and spring is right around the corner, most tropical trees in the deciduous forest will loose all their foliage like the Primavera does, they do this because of the lack of water in the dry spring season, they can only afford to maintain one or the other, leaves or flowers. 

   If you stay around La Manzanilla for the dry season you will notice most of the forest going bare and brown except for the colorful patches that stand out here and there of blooming tropical trees, all just as beautiful as the Primavera.  

Tabebuia donnell-smithii - Primavera in bloom. 

   This tree has a lot of value to us not only for its beauty but because people use it in construction and carpentry, it's a very hard wood, light and resilient to water and most pests, very good for outdoor structures, besides some species are very resistant to fires. 

   It's very important we value and replant Primaveras because all tough they are recognized and enlisted as an endagered specie in the NOM 059 SEMARNAT 2001 (Mexican proteccion law and listing of endagered species) it is still used freely and a lot! In La Manzanilla for construccion and other purposes. If you are going to build a home or furniture using Primavera wood remember that they are very durable and will grow easily when transplanted so  please try to reforest some more Primaveras at least around your property :)  

   Remember to keep you eye out for the first blooming Primavera against the bright blue Mexican sky you may encounter in 2012 and just enjoy the sight!!! 

For all of you tripping on the weather remember: 
"Febrero loco y Marzo otro poco!" 

Special Thanks to: Ma. Elena Lizaola Cervantes ,
 Hector Castillo Aceves y Esteban A. Magana!


  1. Forgot to mention you can find "Primaveras" for sale in any one of your favorite "Viveros" in town they are a very popular tree!

  2. Las primaveras anuncian semana santa, tiempo de fiesta y esperanza, la medicina visual de la nostalgia,el comienzo de otro ciclo lleno de alegrias espontaneas e inesperadas,junto con las buganbilias explosiones de colores pegajosos que se pueden ver aun con los ojos cerrados.
